Golden Glow

by Bayari

Golden Glow is a luxe beauty balm that nourishes your body and soul. It is infused with angelic frequencies, Oracle cards, activated with crystals and attuned to divine frequencies. It includes an elixir with 24 carat gold flakes to activate the gold within you. It enhances your auric field and magnetism, bringing luminosity and a golden glow

Winter Balm - Limited Edition

The theme is The Divine I AM - this came through to me on my Metatronic Practitioner training and felt like such a gift..

Archangel Metatron and Melchezidek overlight this balm to bring you into deeper connection with the Divine....

About the sacred and precious oils...

Frankincense – ancient, sacred healing oil with rejuvenating, anti-aging properties. It regenerates and repairs skin cells. It enhances meditation and our connection to Spirit

Myrrh - the deva of the balms wants us to be deeply grounded to the molten core of the earth. Myrrh is key for this

Immortelle (helichrysum italicum) The ancient Greeks were amongst the first to work with this oil.

Helichrysum is derived from the Greek word helios meaning sun and chrysos meaning sacred or gold, probably due to its golden colour.
Miraculously, the flower never fades in colour, even when picked – it contains the essence of immortality.

Both Myrrh and Immortelle are known for their wound-healing qualities. Not simply physical, but energetic. Golden Glow in that sense is a balm for our emotional and energetic wounds.

Neroli is a high vibrational oil and an aphrodisiac. It awakens the sacral chakra and brings vitality and sensuality.

Orange brings sunshine and a sense of celebration

Golden Glow

Add yourself to the golden list for the next edition.

...why not try Dhavindha's Vitality Elixir.

Boost your energy and vitality this Christmas with these tonifying herbs. Prepare your own decoction and enjoy daily.
One packet is plenty to replenish you for a week.

Add a packet to your Golden Glow order and enjoy free delivery.

Alternatively, order Dhavindha's Vitality Elixir separately here.

Dhavindha is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Alchemist and Biohacker that offers personalised health consultations. Go to to find out more.


"This balm is rich, luxurious and deep, drawing you in to fully know it. There's a subtle, wintery warmth to it - that must be the golden glow!...It feels like a hug."

Kimaya Crolla-Younger

"I can't imagine life without Golden Glow - I put it on, and I am ready for anything, and use if for everything..."

Linda King


by Bayari

I have been making this balm for many years now. Each year its depth and healing potential amplifies. I work with angelic frequencies and my main guide is Archangel Metatron, who is the keeper of divine intelligence. This balm attunes to your sytem and brings healing where its needed most. It is also intended to bring a deeper connection to source, to the Divine

Contact Bayari